A veteran speaker, I am always eager to give dynamic, thoughtful, and provocative talks on topics ranging from the pro-life cause and social justice (for Catholics and non-Catholics alike) to the new evangelization and catechesis to just about any topic in systematic or moral theology: political theology, the Trinity, Mary, the theology of the body, Catholic social doctrine, Vatican II, the theology of Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Saint Thomas Aquinas, etc. My goal is to foster a living spirituality, in a way relevant to contemporary events, involving social analysis (critical theory) and informed by Scripture and the liberal arts.
THURSDAY MORNING MEN'S BREAKFAST http://thursdaymorningmensbreakfast.com/welcome.htm
Since April 2011, I have been a regular speaker for TMMB, an ecumenical men's group that meets at the Union Club near the State House. It is particularly useful for business networking, but if you are simply a man interested in good Christian fraternity, check it out. (My usual slot is the second Thursday of each month.) The Scripture lessons are usually recorded and can be found on the TMMB website: http://thursdaymorningmensbreakfast.com/Teachings2017.htm.
I myself have carried through treatments of 1 John, 1 Samuel, the first half of Ezekiel, Colossians, James, and am currently working through Revelation.