A couple of days ago, we had the second celebration of the feast of Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity, a Carmelite canonized just last year.
In her last days, Saint Elizabeth penned a letter to her Prioress, Mother Germaine, the one Elizabeth acknowledged as "priest" of the consecration of her vowed life and of her dying. It is a moving and prophetic act of vocational encouragement from a grateful soul. Though the words were meant for her spiritual mother in particular, I am convinced that we should all hear these words as in some way addressed also to us. The predilection of God, His election, is for all: we need only say Yes to it.
We do not earn the love of the Blessed Trinity. That love is eternal, it throbs in ever-greater preeminence, it creates, elevates, impels, pressing into and perfusing time, wherever there is a fissure or an opening. Love wants to go on and on, become more and more, in us. As I have said before: true love, divine love, is preemptive, unilateral, and asymmetric.
So, I think Saint Elizabeth's words are meant for you, if you would be elect:
"'You are uncommonly loved,' loved by that love of preference that the Master had here below for some and which brought them so far. He does not say to you as to Peter: 'Do you love Me more than these?' Mother, listen to what He tells you: 'LET yourself be loved more than these! That is, without fearing that any obstacle will be a hindrance to it, for I am free to pour out My love on whom I wish! "LET yourself be loved more than these" is your vocation. It is in being faithful to it that you will make Me happy, for you will magnify the power of My love. This love can rebuild what you have destroyed. LET yourself be loved more than these."'
..."Reverend Mother, Mother consecrated for me from eternity, as I leave, I bequeath to you this vocation which was mine in the heart of the Church Militant and which from now on I will unceasingly fulfill in the Church Triumphant: 'The Praise of Glory of the Holy Trinity.' Mother, 'LET yourself be loved more than these': it is in that way that your Master wills for you to be a praise of glory! He rejoices to build up in you by His love and for His glory, and it is He alone Who wants to work in you, even though you will have done nothing to attract this grace except that which a creature can do: works of sin and misery...He loves you like that. He loves you 'more than these.' He will do everything in you. He will go to the end: for when a soul is loved by Him to this extent, in this way, loved by an unchanging and creative love, a free love which transforms as it pleases Him, oh, how far this soul will go!"